maximum bondage of karma occurs due to mind/ thoughts because the thoughts are not at all obstructed by any boundaries. That is why the thoughts hold utmost importance in bondage of karmas or emancipation. The power of all saadhana (ways & means to achieve emancipation) depends on the mind, so it is very essential to know on what subject the mind is contemplating on because by this only one can judge the merit of the Soul and one can be saved from new bondage of the karmas.
Dhyaana (concentration or meditation of the mind) is of three types which are shubha (auspicious) ashubha (inauspicious) and shuddha (pure). Dhyaana can be divided in four categories i.e. arta-dhyaana (distressed-worried state of mind), raudra-dhyaana (wrath/furious/terrible state of mind), dharma-dhyaana (pondering on universal principles of truth) and shukla-dhyaana (deep and prolonged experience of Shuddhaatma). These four categories have been further sub-divided in many types. The mithyatvi jeeva (illusionary living beings having perverse view) has an innate proclivity to indulge in inauspicious dhyaana like arta-dhyaana and raudra-dhyaana because the Soul has been carrying such sanskars (deep impressions on the sub-conscious mind, propensities) since infinite time: yet with perseverance the mind can be prevented from the inauspicious dhyaana. The ways and