Mahatma Gajsukumal
Inspired By: Jain Acharya Shri Bhuvanbhanusariswarji Maharajsaheb
(1) Father Vasudev, mother Devaki, brother Krishna and many other Kings of small kingdoms were eagerly waiting for Gajsukumal. While they all saw Gajsukumal returning from his Merriment, everyone was thrilled. Oh! What a respect! What a glory! And absolutely no trace of any worry or troubles of the world. (2) Gajsukumal was already engaged but renounced the worldly life after hearing the sermons of God Neminath. (3) After renouncement Gajsukumal took consent of God Neminath and went to a graveyard to meditate. His father-in-law, Saumil, in anger, put a stove on Gajsukumal's head and fired woods of graveyard. But Gajsukumal with his phenomenal equinity did not felt anything thinking that "What is burning (body) is not mine and what is mine (soul) can not burn." He stood still, thinking that the burning wood might fell from his head and hurt living organisms on the ground. Despite his father-in-law's ghastly action, he did not developed any ill feelings for him and considered him helpful in facing and fighting his karmas (sins). With such thoughts, he died and attained Moksha (salvation of soul). (4) In the morning brother Krishna went to God Neminath. He asked, "Where's Gajsukumal?" God replied, "When you enter the gates of the kingdom, the one you meet is the reason behind Gajsukumal's salvation. Hearing this Krishna went to the city to punish the murderer of Monk Gajsukumal. (5) Soumil saw Krishna entering the gates of the city. With fear Soumil's heart failed. The Sin committer died of his own sins.