Trasa Trasa nali Triloka prajnaapti Tyaaga Uchavani Udiranaa Udvartanaa Udyapaan Udyota Unodari Upaadeya Upaadhyaaya Upaanga Upaasaka Upaasakadasaa Upadesa Upadhaan Upadhaan Upapaat Upashraya Upavaas Upayoga Upkarana Upsant moha Utpaada Utsarga samiti Utsarpini Uttaraadhyayana sutra Vaacanaa Vaaha Vaasksepa Vaayu-kaaya Vacana Vaikriya sarira Vaimaanikas Vaisak Vaisnava Vaisya Vaiyaavritya Vaktavya Vanaspati-kaaya Vandanaka Vardhamaana tapa Varna Varsi tapa Vedi
Mobile "Channel in the occupied universe for mobile beings Secondary canon dealing with cosmology Renunciation Bidding Prematuration Augmentation Concluding ritual Light Eating less than one's fill Worth attaining Ascetic teacher; scriptural teacher Secondary canon Devotee Primary canon dealing with accounts of lay devotees Teaching others through sermons Austerity of fasting, meditation and devotional rituls A communal austerity of fasting, meditation and devotion Spontaneous Monastery; a place for performing spiritual activities Fasting Conscious spiritual activity; carefulness in activities Protective physical cover of an organ Suppressed delusion Origination *carefulness in natural calls' Ascending time-cycle Sacred text dealing with the last sermon of Mahavira Learning scriptures and their meaning Largest unit of weight Sacred powder Air-bodied Speech Transformational body Heavenly beings with celestial chariots Seventh month of Indian V. S. Calendar used by Jains A Hindu sect A member of the business community, a Hindu caste Respectful physical service for an ascetic Describable Vegetable-bodied Veneration Ritual of progressive fasting Caste; class Year long austerity, following the example of Risabhdeva A low platform with sacred fire used in marriage ceremony