Avirati Aviveka Ayambil Ayambil saalaa Ayariya Ayogi kevali Ayonija Baabari Baala tapa Balipata Bandha Bhaasaa Bhaasaa samiti Bhaava Bhaava pujaa Bhaava sraavaka Bhaavanaa Bhaavendriya Bhagavati sutra
Bhaktamara stotra Bhakti Bhakti marga Bhattaraka Bhavanvaasi Bhavya Bheda Bhiksu Bhogabhumi Bhogopa-bhogaparimaana Bhojan Bhojan saalaa Biyaasan Bodhi durlabha Brahmacaari Brahmacaarini Brahmacaaryaasram Brahmacarya Brahmaloka Brahmin or brahman Caamar Caar pheraa Caitra Caitya Caitya vandana Cakra
Non-restraint Lack of discrimination An austerity, eating only once a day, taking bland food A place providing bland meals for ayambil austerity Prakrit word for acaarya Static omniscience Asexual or indirect' sexual (birth) Removal of hair from the scalp of a child for the first time Austerity withut understanding Slab for offerings Attachment of karma to the soul Speech 'Carefulness in speaking Psychic feelings, mental attitude Psychic worship A person having the appropriate Jain attitude Devotional ritual in temples, usually at night Psychic senses Primary canon describing questions from Gautama and answers from Mahavira Eulogy for immortalisation of the devotees Devotion Devotional path Semi-ascetic head of a Digambar temple Palace dweller; celestials in the lower world One who is capable of liberation Distinction Ascetic 'Land of pleasures Vow of limitation of consumables and non-consumables Food Place providing meals for pilgrims Semi-fasting, having two meals a day Difficult-to-attain enlightenment Male celibate Female celibate The period of life before becoming a householder Celibacy; chastity; control over the senses The fifth heaven A member of the priestly class, a Hindu caste Brush fan Four circuits at the wedding ceremony Sixth month of Indian V.S. calendar, used by Jains Temple Ritual of temple prayers Wheel