individual improves, the family will improve; when the family improves, the community will improve; when the community improves, the city-state-country and the world will improve'
As defined earlier, we see how social consciousness evolve around the central theme 'self realization (nature of self being knowledge and bliss) as enunciated by the t rtha karas and updated by the preceptors of Jains from time to time. Each individual forms a core group, which may be called as community which merges with regional and national bodies called societies with the basic Jain doctrine. Since individuals form the building blocks, we find small communities being very local and governed by the needs, society around them and the guiding Jain doctrine. At times these communities may look very different from each other but when the question of integration comes, they unite together to give a society consciousness and identity.
14. 15.
Tattv rthasutra by Um Sw ti 1.8, 1.9
Five criterion are i. common culture, belief, practice and some interests; ii. Significantly different from surrounding communities; be conscious of an identity; iv. Effective collectively in social, political and /or economic life; v. able to reproduce itself.
Sat dravya lak a ama, utp davyayadhrauvya yukta sat, guna pary yabaddha dravya TS V. 29,30,38 Parasparopgraho jiv nama TS V.21
"The world is boundless and eternal, it exists from eternity and does not perish' 1.4.6 SutraKrt nga Dhammo vatthu sah vo khamadi bhavo ya ---K rtikeyan prek by Sv mi K m ra g th 478.
De ay mi samicina dharma karmanirvaha am Rattana Karanda Sravakacara by Samantbhadra verse
Tattvartha Sutra by Uma Swati IX.6, also K rtikeyan prek by Sv mi K m rag th 478
Dasavaikalika 1, dhammo ma gala mukkhittama----
Critta khalu dhammo--- Pravacanas ra by Kunda Kunda verse 8
Jain siddhanta Sabdakosa by Jainendra Varni Vol IV page 326
Samyagdar anjn nc ritr nimoksam rga Tatty rathsutra by Um sw ti 1.1
Assembly of Listeners by Michael Carrithers & Caroline Humphrey Page24; Ya atilak campu by Somdev suri as narrated by Mukund Lath Jain identity
References are drawn from dipur na vol 1 (chapters 16 to 21) by Ac JinaSena published by Bhartiya Jnanaptha with Hindi translation by PannaLal Sastri; Jain Saga (English translation of Tri ati laka Puru a c ritra by Ac Hem Candrasuriswarji by Ms Helen Johnson and edited by Muni Samvegashvijay)) and Jain Dharma k Maulika Itih sa by Ac. Hastimal ji published by Samyakjnana Pracaraka mandal Jaipur.
Methods of Mah vira for Social transformation by K.C.Sogani as published in study Notes of ISJS & Involvement of Jainism in social works by Shugan C Jain.
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