energy (thoughts, deeds or words) & diseases. When we learn to control our Aura we can keep it purified (free of hatred, ignorance & desire) & we will be capable of self-healing. Reading your aura can also encourage you to discover your spiritual cures & purposes in life.
Treatment / healing process
The code of conduct and philosophy given above is a mix of faith healing as well as backed by modern medical system. Faith here relates to the metaphysical considerations and conduct relate to modern medical systems. The following paragraphs briefly describe the lifestyle to be observed to keep one free from diseases and cure them when inflicted.
Lead a stress free life as they generate activities and vibrations of body, speech and mind resulting in bondage of karmas and hence pain. This implies leading a well balanced systematic daily routine to perform one's duties and giving up activities which cause stress and strains (e.g. give up the seven bad habits called vyasanas in Jainism which are prostitution, gambling, eating meat, drinking, hunting, stealing, casting an evil eye on other women) To accrue auspicious karmas, Jains talk of six essential duties (avaoeyakas) to be performed daily. These essential duties are; worship the true God, veneration of the holy teacher, self study of the holy texts, charity, self restraint and penance.
Eat non violent and pure food. Food is the primary external input we take to sustain our body. Food directly affects our mind, body and speech. In Jainism highest importance is placed to food (type, quantity, and timing). This will be clear as the first sign of a Jain is to use pure and strained water and eat before sunset followed by acquiring eight primary virtues ( i.e. consume ahinsaka or non violent food or give up consuming meat, alcohol, honey along with fruits and vegetables which are infested with insect).
Practice the five minor vows (aouvratas) namely non violence, non stealing, speaking the truth, limited celibacy and limited possession. These are the causes to stop accrual of inauspicious karmas as well as earn auspicious karmas.
The above are all preventive measures to stop the practitioner from getting sick. These have to be followed even when inflicted with sickness.
To cure the sickness, Jainism talks of the regimen of penance (tapa) which is almost synonymous with nature cure for the practitioner. The penance in Jainism is classified as external (which can be observed by others) and internal (experienced by the practitioner). The first three sub types of external penance namely fasting, eating less than the full stomach and giving up a specific taste (bitter, salt, sweet, acidic and spicy) on regular intervals are essential for curing as well as being healthy. In the internal type, the sub types humility and meditation are extremely important to cure the inflicted diseases.
For the others i.e. family, friends and society in general, Jains propagate the concepts of living beings help each other and live and let live (both derivatives of its principle of ahinsa) and the four characteristics of right belief or samyag daroeana namely: Not to hate a meritorious being inflicted with disease or looks(Nirvicikitsa); Develop positive condition of loving others (Vatsalya );To reestablish the fallen on the right path(Sthitikaranòa: To propagate ethical-spiritual values (Prabhavana). To promote the concept of patient care / person inflicted with disease, Jainism talks of the following incentives to those (doing so not for greed /money /ego or attachment) caring the patients.
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May be Religion i.e. to destroy Karmas May bring prosperity, friends and respect Giving or helping life is the best act of compassion or charity It is a kind of penance
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