been said above. The goal of asceticism is spiritual realization, for which an aspirant has to forsake physical comforts and undergo hardships.
The institution of Order of Jaina Monk is perhaps the oldest Order of the world. Its study is an important chapter in the history of asceticism. It may also be pointed out that even though the journey of spiritualism is individualistic yet the Jaina T rtha karas laid down the foundation of an order where the aspirants could help each other without interfering in their freedom. This is perhaps the secret of longevity of Jaina asceticism.
Suggested Readings
1. Sogani Kamal Chand, Ethical Doctrines in Jainism, Pub. : Lalchand Hirachand Doshi, Solapur 2. Bhargava D., Jain Ethics, Pub. : Motilal Banarsi Das, New Delhi. 3. S.B. Deo, History of Jain Monachism, Puna. 4. B.C. Law, Mahaveer, his life and teachings, London. 5. H.L. Jain, Bharatiya Sanskrit Men Jaina Dharma Ka Yogadana, Bhopal. 6. Acharya Mahapragya Jain Darshan: Manan Mimansa, Ladnun
Questions: 1. What is the position of a Jain Monk vis-à-vis a Jain householder? 2. What are the conditions of eligibility for a Jain Monk? 3. What is the difference between great vows and small vows? 4. What is the importance of non- possessiveness? 5. What is the meaning of self-control and vigilance in the case of a Jain Monk? 6. What is the spirit of rules for begging food for a Jain Monk? 7. What are the common rules of an order of the Jain Monks?
Annexure 1 28 Mulagunas (According to the Digambaras) of Monks
1. 5 Mah vratas:
1. Non-Violence 2. Truth 3. Non-stealing 4. Celibacy
5. Non-Possession 2.5 Samitis (Carefulness)
1. Moving about 2. Right speech 3. Procurement of provision 4. Receiving and placing things
5. Right disposal of refuse 3.5 Indriyanigraha:
1. Vision 2. Hearing 3. Smell 4. Taste
5. Touch 4. 6 va yakas:
1. Equanimity 2. Praising the lord 3. Salutations 4. Repentance
5. Abandoning the body 5. 7 other miscellaneous:
1. Plucking the hair 2. Nudity 3. Not to have bath
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