In annotation of this verse Amritacandra says: "Let there be no more exposition and discussion. My understanding is settled well".
In the introduction of this verse he has written that "This is the only path of spiritual advancement as experienced and revealed by the omniscient Beings. Thus I have corrected /systematized my own understanding".
From above discussion it is clear that omniscience or omniscient is the knower of events only, not the door of those events. The modifications or events are all without any sequence, not otherwise; i.e., a substance is sequence bound in respect of its modifications and without any sequence in respect of its attributes. This way the theory of relativity applies in a substance, which is a mass of attributes & modifications.
Amritcandra in' tmakhy ti' annotation on verse 2 of 'Samayas ra' says: The soul or any substance, being possessed of multifaceted nature in such as has admitted sequence bound modifications and attributes without any sequence, both of which constitute its very existence. In short we can generalize as follows:
Each soul is independent and not under any other substance. Substantially all souls are equal none is higher or lower. Each soul possesses the seed power of infinite Knowledge and bliss. Happiness does not come from outside. Not only soul but all substances are possessed of the nature of "Permanency with a change", i.e., they on their own continue changing /modifying without quitting their inherent intrinsic nature /qualities. Mundane beings are unhappy & miserable because of their perverse faith, false knowledge and false conduct. They can be happy by abandoning perversity and attaining Right Faith (insight) - Knowledge - Conduct. There is no imaginary so called creator God. Every soul may become a God by discriminating the self from non-self. The omniscient God is only the knower & seer of the universe and not the creator-destroyerprotector. Jaina philosophy is basically that of non-doing/non-doership as this principle is established with omniscience and the sequence bound modifications. Every soul (mundane being) is potentially omniscient, that is to say, the consciousness of every living being is endowed with the capacity to know all things, unlimited by time or space or distance. All things, whatever exists in this universe possess the basic quality of knowableness; hence they are known by perfect knowledge (omniscience) on annihilation of knowledge obscuring karma, perception obscuring karma & power obstructing karma and proceed by the annihilation of deluding karma.
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