3.3 Mass of Pudgalas This brings us to the second method of classification applicable to the pudgals which is based on the property of mass.
3.3.1 Suk ma (subtle) As far as dions and quadons are concerned, they do not have light heavy attributes, thus are almost massless. They are so subtle that they do not obey certain principles of physics. One important example is that they are capable of attaining infinite speed far beyond the physical limit of speed of light.
After treating mass as essential quality of matter, even science is convinced that certain facts be explained only if massless particles are treated as realities. Scientists are already discussing some particles like photons, gravitons and gluons. Once the scientists are able to work out the entire set of physical laws applicable to such massless particles, it will revolutionize the way we understand physics. Hopefully, many enigmatic questions will be answered then.
3.3.2 B dar (Macro) When the pudgalas achieve their third state of octons, they start manifesting mass. From this stage onwards, they come in the realm of human perceptions and predications. Octons are, therefore, referred to as Vyavah ric parm u also. In this state, they become comparable to the atoms as known to the modern science.
4.1 Pudgalas and qualities of matter The third classification of pudgalas is on the basis of the quality they impart to other pudgalas to which they are attached. It is a very interesting Jaina doctrine that the qualities of matter life bigsmall, micro - macro, light-heavy, long - short, integrated - fragmented, radiant - dark, hot - cold etc. are nothing but the types of pudgalas only. Besides, these pudgalas may vary in shape also. To consider all substances and all properties as pudgalas, indicates the deep insight of Jaina philosophical knowledge.
4.2 Pudgalas and association with soul A fourth classification is based on the various groups of octons which remain attached to the J va (soul). In Jaina philosophy, there are eight sets of quadons and octons which are related to the J va. . Set of octons forming mortal body
Aud rika varga . Set of octons forming transformational body Vaikriya varga . Set of octons forming projectile body
h raka varga Set of octons and quadons forming respiration Swosw sa varga • Set of quadons forming thought
Vacana varga • Set of quadons forming radiance
Taijasa varga . Set of quadons forming karmic body
Krmic varga
In Jaina philosophy the relation of Jva, that is soul and substance has been elaborately discussed. Whereas, in Vai e ika philosophy, individual param-a u is classified in four types only, viz. earthly, aquatic, irradiating, and aerial.
The difference in classification has given rise to atomic theory which is unique to the Jaina school of thought
4.3 Functions There are numerous functions of pudgalas. Some are beneficial to J va's body, speech, mind, or internal organ, breathing as these are functions of pudgala. Distress, pain, death - these too are due to pudgala which are harmful to J va.
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