ti bh ti vy pe nahi jaga me vrsti samaya para h kare Dhamaniştha hokarar j bhi ny ya pr ja k kiy kare Roga mari durbhikṣa na faile praj nti se jiy kare Param Ahis dharma jagata men faila sarvahita kiy kare
Meaning: May distress and suffering no longer exist and may it rain on time: May the king be righteously inclined and do justice to all his subjects; May the diseases, epidemics and famine cease to spread and exist; May Ahis pervade the entire universe and bring benevolence to all.
Faile prema parapara jaga me moha dura para rah kare Apriya katuka kathora sabda nahi koi m kha se kah kare Banakara saba y ga-vira hrdaya se de onnati rata rah kare Vastu svar pa vic ra kh i se saba d kha sa kata sah kare.
Meaning: May mutual love spread through out the world and delusion stay at a distance from all: May no one use harsh, bitter and unpleasant words from their mouths; May everyone become the hero of his time and work for the progress of his country: May all understand the true nature of entities / substances and hence become tolerant of all sorts of pains inflicted.
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