Khyatoshta pada parvato gajapadah sammet shaila bhidhaha, Sriman raivatakah prasidhdha mahima
shatrunjayo mandapaha, Vaibhar kanakachalo-rbudgirihi srichitrakutadaya,
Statra shri Rushabhaadayo jinavaraha kurvantu vo mangalam. (33)
May you be blessed by the holy mountains like Ashtapad, Gajapad, Sammetshikhar, Girnar, Shatrunjaya, Mandavgadh, Vaibhavgiri, Suvarnagiri, Abu, Chittod, etc, where Shri Rushabhdev resides. (33)
The Sakalartha sutra was composed on the insistence of the famous King Kumarpal. It is also called 'Chaturvishati Jin Namaskar' as it pays obeisance to the present Tirthankars. It is also called 'Bruhatchaityavandan' as it is recited during the Chaityavandans of the Pakshik (fortnightly), Chaumasik (once every four months) and Samvatsari (annual) Pratikramans .There are thirty--three verses in this sutra and they describe the various qualities and capabilities of the Arhats.
સ્વર્ગ, પાતાળ અને મનુષ્યલોકમાં રહેલા સર્વ તીર્થો અને
- તેમાં રહેલી પ્રતિમાઓને વંદના Jam kinchi nāma-tittham, sagge pāyāli mānuse loe.
Jāim jina-bimbāim, tāim savvāim vandāmi. (1)
I bow down to all places of pilgrimage and to all the Murtis of Tirthankar Bhagawān present anywhere in the heavens (dev-lok), in the lower realm of the universe (naarki), and in the human habitate, (Manushya Lok). (1)
In this sutra, salutation is offered to all the Jain pilgrimage places and all the Jina Murtis existing in the three worlds.
(આ સૂત્રથી ત્રણે લોકમાં રહેલા તીર્થોમાં બિરાજમાન સર્વે જિનપ્રતિમાઓને વંદન કરાય છે. આ સૂત્ર પ્રભુસ્તુતિ હોવાથી યોગમુદ્રા અથવા ડાબો ઢીંચણ ઉંચો કરીને પણ બોલાય છે.)