Generally, Sämäyika and Pratikraman rituals are performed in the presence of a Guru or an ascetic. However, in their absence, one places a religious book, which contains Namaskar Mangal Sutra and Panchindiya sutra on top of sthapanaji in the front to symbolize the presence of a Guru. Also one needs to place a prayer beads (Navakār vali) consisting of 108 beads on the top of the religious book which represents the 108 virtues of Pancha Parmesthis.
દેવ-ગુરુને પંચાંગ વંદન
Ichchhämi khamä-samano ! Vandium, jävanijjäe nisihiäe, matthaena vandämi. (1)
'With all my devotion and by renouncing all wrongful acts, I bow down (to the Tirthankar's image or Ascetics).'
This sutra is uttered while offering obeisance to the lord jinesvara and ksama - sramana (sadhu).
જતા-આવતા જીવોની વિરાધનાની માફી Ichchhä-kärena sandisaha bhagavan !
Iriyavahiyam padikkamämi? Ichchham, ichchhämi padikkamium. (1)
Iriyavahiyäe, virähanäe. (2)
Gamanä-gamane. (3) Päna-kkamane, biya-kkamane, hariya-kkamane,
Osä-uttinga, panaga-daga, Matti-makkada-santänä-sankamane. (4)
Je me jivä virähiyä. (5) Egindiyä, beindiyä, teindiya, chaurindiyä, panchindiyä. (6)
Abhihayä, vattiyä, lesiyä, sanghäiyä, sanghattiya, Pariyäviyä, kilämiyä, uddaviyä, thänäo thänam,
Sankämiyä, jiviyäo vavaroviya, Tassa michchhä mi dukkadam. (7)