Those who have become Siddha in the past, those who will be siddha in the future and those that are living at present, I pay my obeisance to them by my thoughts, words and body (10)
સ્વર્ગ, પાતાળ અને મનુષ્યલોકમાં રહેલા જિનચૈત્યોની વંદના Jāvanticheiäim, uddhe a ahe a tiria-loe a. Savvāim tāim vande, iha santo tattha santāim. (1)
While here I bow down to all the currently existing Murtis of Jineshvar Bhagawan anywhere in the upper part of the universe, this middle part of the universe or the lower part of the universe. (1)
દેવ-ગુરુને પંચાંગ વંદન
Ichchhämi khamä-samano!
Vandium, jävanijjäe nisihiäe, matthaena vandämi. (1)
'With all my devotion and by renouncing all wrongful acts, I bow down (to the Tirthankar's image or Ascetics).'
ઐરાવત, મહાવિદેહક્ષેત્રમાં રહેલા સાધુ ભગવંતોની વંદના૧ Jāvanta kevi sāhu, bhara hera vaya-mahā-videhe a. Savvesim tesimpanao, ti-vihena tidanda-virayānam. (1)
Sadhu Mahārāj and Sādhviji Mahārāj do not commit any sinful activity either in their thoughts, their speech or physically; nor they cause others to do the same; nor they praise others who commit sinful activity. I bow down to all such Sadhu Mahārāj and Sadhviji Mahārāj, present anywhere in Bharat-Kshetra, Airāvat-Kshetra and in Maha-Videha-Kshetra; by my thoughts, by my speech and by my body. (1)
In this Sutra, obeisance is offered to all Sādhu Mahārāj and Sādhviji Mahārāj, present anywhere in Bharat-Kshetra, Airāvat-Kshetra and in Mahā-Videha-Kshetra; This is to express our respect to them and for helping us and guiding us in our spiritual journey. This Sutra is also Known as 'Sarva Sadhu Vandan Sutra' (Sarva means all) as obeisance is offered to all Sadhu and Sadhvi Mahārāj present anywhere in all 15 Karma Bhumi, namely