and one who sees everything because of keval darshan. (3)
શાંતિના ભંડાર ચોવીસ તીર્થંકર પરમાત્માઓ Aum Rishabha, Ajit, Sambhav, Abhinandan, Sumati, Padmaprabh, Suparshwa, Chandraprabh, Suvidhi, Shital,
Shreyansh, Vasupujya, Vimal, Anant, Dharm, Shanti, Kunthu, Ara, Malli, Munisuvrat, Nami, Nemi, Parshwa,
Vardhamananta jinaha shantaha shantikara bhavantu swaha. (4)
By reciting Om we pay our respects to Shri Rushabhdev, Ajitnath, Sambhavnath Abhinandanswami, Sumatinath, Padmaprabhavaswami, Suparshvanath, Chandraprabhaswami, Suvidhinath, Sheetalnath, Shreyanshnath, Vasupujyaswami, Vimalnath, Anantanath, Dharmanath, Shantinath, Kunthunath, Aranath, Mallinath, Munisuvrataswami, Naminath, Neminath, Parshvanath and finally Mahavirswami. Just as you have all achieved peace, please help us to destroy our kasayas (passions, -anger, pride, deceit and greed) and subdue our attachments so that we too can attain peace. (4)
ભાવના બળથી-સદાના રક્ષક મુનિ મહાત્માઓ
Aum munayo muni pravara ripu-vijay-durbhiksha-kantareshu-durgamargeshu
rakshantu vo nityam swaha. (5)
May all the Munis (monks and nuns) who are troubled by non--believers, famines and diseases, get your protection. (5)
Aum hrim shri dhruti mati kirti kanti buddhi lakshmi megha vidhya sadhan pravesh niveshneshu sugruhit
namano jayantu te jinendraha. (6)
Om, Hrim, Shri, Dhruti, Mati, Kirti, Kanti, Buddhi, Laxmi and Megha - in the devotion of these nine roles of Sarasvati - whose names are recited at the