શ્રી મહાવીરસ્વામીની સ્તુતિ Sansära-dävä-nala-däha-niram, Sammoha-dhuli-harane samiram.
Mäyä-rasä-därana-sära-siram, Namämi viram giri-sära-dhiram. (1)
સર્વ તીર્થકર ભગવંતોની સ્તુતિ Bhävä-vanäma-sura-dänava-mänavena,
Chulä-vilola-kamalä-vali-mälitäni. Sampuritä-bhinata-loka-samihitäni, Kämam namämi jinaräja-padäni täni. (2)
આગમ-સિદ્ધાંતની સ્તુતિ Bodhä gädham supada-padavi-nira-purä bhirämam,
Jivä-hinsä-virala-lahari-sangamä-gäha-deham. Chulä-velam guru-gama-mani-sankulam dura-päram, Säram-virä-gama-jala-nidhim sädaram sädhu seve. (3)
I bow to you, revered Mahāvira swāmi. You alleviate the miseries of worldly existence the way water extinguishes a forest fire. You remove ignorance the way wind blows off dust. You get rid of delusions the way a sharp plough tears through the ground of deceit. (1) I bow faithfully at the feet of all Tirthankars, who fulfill the wishes of all devotees including the kings of heavenly gods such as Surendras, Devendras and Narendras, whose crowns are decorated with garlands made of lotus flowers. (2) I adore with respect the spiritual contents of the scriptures of Mahāvira swāmi, which are like an ocean of boundless knowledge and wisdom, whose beautiful verses are like a fascinating pool of water, its waves full of subtle concepts of non-violence and its tides intertwined with lessons of doctrines and jewels of wisdom, which are difficult to fully understand. (3)