Vandana-vaya-sikkhä-gäravesu, sannä-kasäya-dandesu.
Guttisu a samiisu a, jo aiäro a tam ninde. (35)
I criticize myself for any wrongdoing I may have committed with respect to: two types of worships {to God and to spiritual teacher(vandankärya};12 vows (vratkärya); two types of teachings {to read the scriptures, to understand them and to put into practice (shikshäkarma)}; three kinds of prides (gärava) (of taste, wealth and physical health); four types of instincts (sangnä) (of food, fear, sex and hoarding), four types of passions (kashäya); three types of evil activities (danda) (mental, verbal and physical); three-fold self-control (gupti); and five-fold vigilance (samiti). (35)
Sammadditthi jivo, jai vi hu pävam samäyarai kinchi. Appo si hoi bandho, jena na niddhamdhasam kunai. (36)
Tam pi hu sapadikkamanam,
Sappariävam sauttara-gunam cha. Khippam uvasämei, vähi vya susikkhio vijjo. (37)
A person with right faith acquires only minor karmic bond even though they may commit sins because they do not act with malice or cruelty. When he confesses and repents as prescribed by a spiritual preceptor he gets rid of them swiftly, the same way a well trained physician cures sickness. (36,37)
Jahä visam kuttha-gayam, manta-mula-visärayä. Vijjä hananti mantehim, to tam havai nivvisam. (38) Evam attha-viham kammam, räga-dosa-samajjiam.
Äloanto a nindanto, khippam hanai susävao. (39) Kaya-pävo vi manusso, äloia nindia guru-sagäse. Hoi airega-lahuo, oharia-bharuvva bhäravaho. (40)
Just as a well-trained physician removes the poison spread in a body and renders it poison-free with help of right spells, a layperson that has confessed