Parimäna-parichchhee, ittha pamäya-ppasangenam. (17)
ruppa-suvanne a kuvia-parimäne. Dupae chauppayammi ya, padikkame desiam savvam. (18)
With regards to the fifth minor vow of non-possession, I want to confess for whatever violations I may have committed during the day due to careless or disapproving behavior, such as excessive accumulation of wealth and grains, farm and real estate property, silver, gold and other precious metals, or two legged and four legged living beings . (17, 18)
(9941241944 (4441441 Bulazuz) Gamanassa u parimäne, disäsu uddham ahe a tiriam cha. Vuddhi sai-antaraddhä, padhamammi guna-vvae ninde. (19)
With regards to voluntary confinement of directions (dig vrata) the first spiritual vow of self-discipline (guna vrata), I want to criticize myself for whatever violations I may have committed by increasing or forgetting the restrictions on movement in the upper, lower, or oblique directions. (19)
(HOL GUFOLHA 24 242) Majjammi a mansammi a, pupphe a phale a gandha-malle a.
Uvabhoga-paribhoge, biammi guna-vvae ninde. (20)
Sachitte padibaddhe, apoli-duppoliam cha ähäre. Tuchchhosahi-bhakkhanayä, padikkame desiam savvam. (21)
With regards to simplicity (bhogäbhoga vrata) the second spiritual vow of self-discipline, I want to repent for whatever violations I may have committed, such as, consuming alcoholic beverages, meat, other forbidden food and fruits, enjoying the fragrance of flowers, camphor, or wearing flower garlands. (20) I want to make it right by confessing for whatever violations I may have committed during the day by using sentient things, eating uncooked or