(8-244414142091 2414)
Jattä bhe? (4) (4-195291 24142{ll 42891 PALA) Javani jjam cha bhe? (5)
(5-244214 441441 Belt) Khämemi khamä-samano! Devasiam vaikkamam, (6)
(ફરી અવગ્રહમાં આવવાનું નથી તે ભાવ સાથે) padikkamämi, Khamäsamanänam, devasiäe äsäyanäe tittisanna yaräe
Jam kinchi michchhäe, mana-dukkadäe, vaya-dukkadäe, Käya-dukkadäe,
kohäe, mänäe, mäyäe, Lobhäe, Savva-käliäe, savva-michchho-vayäräe,
Savva-dhammä-ikkamanäe Äsäyanäe Jo me aiyaro kao, tassa khamä-samano! Padikkamämi, nindämi, garihämi, appänam vosirämi. (7)
Oh! Forgiving Gurudev, I want to bow to you, by keeping away all faults and by surrendering myself to you. By bowing my head, I ask your forgiveness for the faults that I may have committed while undertaking any religious activities. While discarding all non-virtuous activities, I touch your feet. Please pardon me, if that has discomforted you in any way. I want to bow to you while inquiring about your well-being and atoning for any disrespect. Has your day passed peacefully and without much distress or discomfort? Oh! Gurudev, I beg your pardon for any violations of vows committed by me and I will refrain from any unworthy acts like anger, pride, deception, greed, hate, and dislike that violate the right practices of the religion. I will atone for whatever faults I might have indulged in at any time. In your presence, I atone for the same, and I (my soul) will keep away from all such sins in the future.
ચોથું આવશ્યક પ્રતિક્રમણ