Dr. Surendra Singh Pokharna, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
an electron to behave like a wave or a particle. The choice is strictly that of human mind. It is also proposed by Bohm (1951) that thoughts processes also act like quantum mechanical entities following dual roles with uncertainty determined by probability theory explained using concept of Hilbert space. This has been recently confirmed by a set of experiments by Mark Buchanan (2011) who have shown that thought processes do follow quantum mechanics like fuzzy rules and hence decisions can be very vague. Actually tiny thoughts are a result of microscopic movement of molecules in neurons and movement of impulses in neurons and synapses.
Difference between Darwin's principle of evolution and Jain's concept of evolution
more priorities than other parameter. (b). The order parameter needs to be defined both at
macroscopic level and microscopic levels. Since a general order like parameter will come into picture so naturally any concept of development will be different and may be more complex than the single dimensional term expressed by economic development or its new versions which partially takes into account factors like damage done to the
environment. (d). Reducing consumption at all levels in the interest
of our own future generations, thereby reducing entropy production and at least maintaining the
current status. (e). The roles of men and women needs to be reviewed
again. Should women focus more on preserving spiritual order in the family and men for sustainable
development of the economy. (f). Development should be defined with certain goals
into mind and all indices of development should be revised like "Economic growth rates and GDP for
various countries and the world. (g) Need to reduce entropy in the brains of the people
and introduce order instead. Many spiritual practices like meditation, yoga and pranayam etc.
could be one good option. (h). Attempts should be made to estimate entropy
produced by various systems and countries and legal action should be taken against those who are producing more entropy in the atmosphere. Thus agricultural systems should be rewarded and industrial systems should be punished heavily as agricultural systems are generating minimum entropy whereas industrial systems are producing maximum entropy. (Pokharna 2011). Concepts like "Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha" and the "Aashram System having four aashrams in one's life" should be reexamined in view of GST as they appear to represent some kind of macroscopic global criteria towards multi-objective optimization for a number of parameters for a society so as to have a balanced development at a macro level with a set of rules defined through Dharma and a well defined Goal of Moksha.
Darwin's principle is based on an emphasis on differences among species. Jainism on the other hand first look at the underlying identity of all the species and claims that soul is the underlying identity among all the biological species. Darwin's principle is based on concept of natural selection that is species which are superior survives whereas those which are inferior with respect to adjustment with the environment and/or availability of resources die out or are eliminated. Jainism says that all living beings wants to evolve and so highly developed species like human beings should support evolution of other species through the principle of non-violence (ahimsa). But here Jains also talk of evolution, but is spiritual, which is accompanied by increase in purity of soul and increase in its knowledge. In spiritual evolution also, one has to be very selective as a very strict discipline is demanded for oneself. A strict set of rules have to be followed to progress along the spiritual path. It is mostly concerned with internal processes and phenomena. However, in this process, they consume minimum resources and hence resources do not have great impact on survival. It is least important which is critical in case of Darwin's principle. It appears that the various principles and set of rules and regulations developed by ancient Jains are just like control parameters in this huge biosphere which indirectly provides stability of the biosphere on the long time scale and are hence critical conditions required for continuation of life processes on this planet. They also reflect the interdependence of various activities of human beings on different components of the biosphere through the principle of ahimsa. With the discovery of genes, mutation takes place in such a way that new genes are more robust and
Role of Quantum Mechanics like processes in decision making in psychology: Example of great sacrifice of Aacharyas
The theory of quantum mechanics is also relevant again in a different context here. We all know that the role of observer's consciousness in quantum mechanics is very important in making a choice whether he/she wanted