Dr. Ing. Jeoraj Jain, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
materials, found on earth like Pindas. See Annex-2. Conclusion
As per science, different types and phases of living and non-living matter respectively, are scattered all over this vast Universe, it would be impossible to show and understand their locations through any prevalent geographical maps. The Omniscient have, by use of this decorative looking pictographs, made us, the ignorant, understand the contents of this Universe in a simple, plausible and quantitative language. This symmetrical show-piece gives, at a glance, important information about the distribution of all the living and non-living matter of the Universe.
Discussion on the Results
Without changing or altering any Agmik content, it is now possible to interpret the distribution of Jeeva and Ajeeva rashi of the Universe, in line with the most of the present day scientific knowledge.
It enables us to take the modern scientists in a realm beyond the present day knowledge and explain its unknown features in a plausible manner. Some of the important revelations are as follows:
The existence of extra-terrestrial civilizations, extent of their development stage.
ii) Other forms of materials and their quantum.
iii) Other types of physical bodies of living-beings.
iv) Other forms of highly developed living-beings.
Chart-1 Distribution of Matter in Upper Loka:
Every matter-phase can have 3 sub-types: maxima, medium & minima
Type of Vaimanik Deva
Sn State of matter
4th State (Plasma) 5th State
(E-B condensate) 6th State (D-F condensate)
Kalpaj Vaimanik (having Hierarchy) Akalpaj Vaimanik (Kalpateet)
(medium & minima) Bhavanpati & Vyantar Saudharm to Achyut Deva (1st to 8th Devloka) Graiveyak, Anudisha, & Anuttar Deva
Annex. 2 Support for physical matter:
(Ref. 5th Adhyaya, Gatha 56, Tattvarth Sutra-, by Prabha Chandra) "JEEVADERLOKAKASHE VAGAH"
"Soul (Jeeva), Matter (Pudgala), Medium of Motion (Dharma) and Medium of Rest (Adharma) are supported by Lokakash, i.e. space within the boundaries of universe."
That means, neither Vatvalay / Vatpind requires any land-mass for its support nor any Land (Bhumi) requires support of Vat-pinds!