Er. Piyush Jain, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
a dirty dance of violence is gesticulated every fraction of a moment. Each wave of wind kills innumerable micro-organisms, each moment uncountable big fish are eating smaller ones and every second an animal is killing another. And, these deaths of animal kingdom are so ruthless that the very mention may nauseate.
In His so called intelligent design, you must have seen, not live but at least on Discovery channel, butchering of a deer by a lion. If you have missed some salient points, let me enumerate them for you -
the grief in the eyes of killed and vehemence in the eyes of killer
the slow suffocation and the pain endured by the sharp teeth embedded in deer's neck
in most cases, deer is only unconscious and still breathing when the lion starts the tearing of deer's skin with the lust of hunger.
This is, by and large the story behind every predator, be it a crocodile, a snake or a fish. How a snake's poison paralyses the victim and piranhas nibble up their live meal bite by bite are the tell tale loop holes of any intelligent and compassionate design. And do not spare humans, the most intelligent amongst all. Weapons, nuclear and chemical, of mass destruction, and mass scale construction of concrete in the forms of dams and buildings and simultaneous destruction of plant and animal lives is no less than exploitation of mother earth. Turn your eyes towards other aspect of His creation - stars. Sun, our life-support, is a fierce ball of fire. If sun has some sensations, you can simply imagine the plight which it undergoes. To be able to create such a universe one has be a sadist and not merciful.
Creation implies desire on the part of God, and desire, in turn, implies imperfection.
How an immaterial God can create material world?
Seeing this predicament, religions like Samkhya, Vaiseshika, Jainism and Buddhism have replaced the concept of origin with cyclic patterns of time. Here, soul and matter preexist and join to begin the cycle. The good thing about this concept is its dependence on human dexterity and ruling out the mercy of any Almighty.
They say - He is the perpetuator! I ask - have you seen the results?
Once the role of creator was assigned to Him, the mammoth task of running it necessitated Him to shoulder this responsibility as well. This has made us dependent on His mercy and discretion. Our destiny is no longer commensurate with our efforts, but is a parasite that needs to stick to His generosity.
We, as humans, have proudly accepted the role of a
beggar, seeking His favors all the time. Praying on the tunes of film songs at highest possible decibels of the loudspeaker, we seek the mercy of omnipresent God! What an irony that to Somebody Who resides in every unit of the space, we need the help of modern acoustics to convey our prayers?
The steadfast believers proclaim that 'not even a leaf can quiver without His will and intent'. Before you too, put your faith in this statement, concentrate your wisdom on a small question - how much planning and engineering a super-scientist will need to waver a leaf? Take it from me; it is not as simple as it sounds. Let us try to answer this question -
Firstly the leaf. He needs all the precise data about the shape, size, weight, composition and the strength of the branch with which it is attached. How will he gather all this information? Let us presume he does it anyhow.
Secondly the wind. He needs all the precise data about its molecules, temperature, humidity, dust particles, speed and direction. Where to start and where to end the flow?
Thirdly - the process. He will have to process entire data to calculate the angle and force with which the wind will strike the leaf. He needs to meticulously plan as to where will the wind rebound and to what extent of a millimeter does the leaf deflect?
Fourthly the continuum. This needs to be done 24x7x365x moments.
Interestingly, for our super-scientist, leaf and wind were readily available. What if he was asked to create them as well?! So much of chemical and mechanical engineering aided by physics for just one leaf!? Just imagine of infinite leaves on one earth alone! Running one's own creation is not a child's, or should I say God's, play. One leaf, one earth - so much of labor; is He left with enough time for other chores? Such mechanism of universe may have developed slowly and steadily over the billions of years, but they cannot be designed beforehand and run later on howsoever powerful the entity, that is, God, in question be.
Performance of a company's executive is gauged by the results he/she produces at the end of the day. Dwindling peace and escalating stress are parameters of our vulnerability. As a CEO of Universe Unlimited and Earth Limited, God has miserably failed in retaining a profitable balance sheet over the billions of years of His unquestioned management. Following two parameters highlight His incompetence -
3. More of everything bad - More houses, bridges, hospitals, roads, dams; more food, fertilizers,