that it is not necessary that a man will be happy just because his belly is alright but the invariable rule is that a man will be happy if his mind is free from diseases. Today we see that a large number of wealthy people, who fill their bellies to their utmost satisfaction, are still miserable because of several problems, worries and agonies which pertain to their mind. This happens because their minds are not healthy. So it is settled that man's mind is the key to his happiness. It is the mind of the man which makes him special and which distinguishes him from the other animals.
It is quite true that what is beneficial for man is a mind which is free from mental diseases, which is balanced and which is engrossed in thinking of the ultimate goal. Man can achieve happiness both in this life and the life hereafter if his mind possesses the above characteristics. Interestingly, western thinkers have also given a thought as to how the mind of man can be made healthy. An American gentleman has written a book called "RETURN TO RELIGION" in which he tries to tell us why he returned to religion or spirituality. As per his statement made in this book, he used to go to a church upto the age of 20 years on account of his father's guidence and goodness; but he was filled with displeasure by the priest's rather monotonous recitation of the same words repeated in the same tone. He wondered how totally different this monotonous repetation of the priest was from the sweet musical malodies of the orchestra in a cinema ? This was enough to stop him from going to the church any more. But today he says, he has