if someone harasses you, lies to you, misbehaves with you or is unduly angry with you, he should surely be punished, but the same should not apply to you. You can justify your actions and hope to be let go easy.
In fact, nature is very large-hearted. It is prepared to accept your demand that, “Others should be punished, but not I". At the same time, nature also says, “Whatever you demand is also demanded by your neighbour. All souls wish the same. For me, none is my own and none is alien to me. I have to heed everyone. Therefore, either no one is punished or else everyone is punished”. If you were to choose one option, which one would you choose?
“Everyone should be punished.”
“Do you know what choosing this option means? It means that we should reiterate it in the Lord's presence every day. It means committing to him, “O Lord! If I hurt anyone with mind, speech or body, I should definitely be punished. If I speak bitter, hurtful words, I should be punished, otherwise there will be disorder. Lord! If I lie, steal , commit a sin, betray someone, I should be duly punished which means that I should be punished tenfold for the smallest of misbehaviour, otherwise there will be a total disruption of law and order in the world. Lord, if I ever look at someone else's mother, daughter, sister lustfully, I should be punished. If I ever feel anger towards anyone, I should be punished, otherwise there will be chaos in the world.” All this should be repeated to the Lord every day. Therefore, it is established that to maintain order in the Universe crime must be punished. If one does not desire a heavy punishment or the pain of