he set out to war and on the day of the third parana, the birth of the Prince. Every event took place on the day of the ‘parana’, not a day earlier, not a day later. If one ponders whole heartedly, with thoroughness and care, one will realize that nature is trying to suggest something. It is trying to convey that Agnisharma had to be punished.
Gunasen had wished to perform Agnisharma’s ‘parana’ from the bottom of his heart and yet Karmasatta had made him miss it every time. This should indicate to us that the person who harasses us does not do it independently according to his wish but it is Karmasatta which makes him do it.
Query: Leaving the story of Gunasen aside, most people harass others only because they wish to do so. In this book, elsewhere, is it not mentioned that in Nagketu's previous birth as Kishore, his stepmother used to trouble him terribly and intentionally?
Reconciliation: Yes, the stepmother did intend to trouble him but even that desire should be considered as having been prompted by Karmasatta. Subhoomchakravarti was not satisfied even though he ruled over 6 continents. He possessed 14 ‘ratnas', 9 ‘nidhans', a huge army of 96 crore soldiers. At any given time, 16,000 demi-gods were ready and eager to serve him and yet he wished to also conquer 6 continents of
Ratna = unimaginable power possessing 14 types of miraculous substances Nidhan = A wonderous large treasure Yojan = a measure of distance of about eight miles