Saint: There are numerous companies throughout the world. What kind of goods would any company want to manufacture?
A few persons from the Audience: The very best. Some others: The most profitable.
Saint: No. The goods may be the best or profit yielding but what if there is no demand for them? A company would like to produce only those goods for which there is a demand in the market. No company ever makes goods for which there is no demand. Then why would a company called 'Nature' produce unhappiness, as there is no demand for it in the market? Even if you were to give it away for free, no soul would want it. Everyone desires happiness and happiness alone. The question then arises is that when not a single soul desires unhappiness, why does nature bestow it on the souls? The answer to this question is definitely “karma', but we want the answer in common parlance. For this, we have to carry out a survey of any one jail and ask its prisoners, “How many amongst you desire punishment?”.
What would the answer be? It would be, “No one!”.
Now the question arises, “If no prisoner desires punishment, then why does the court punish him so?” “He is being punished for his crime.”
The maxim that gets affirmed is, “If there is a punishment, a crime should have been committed”. When someone is punished, we start imagining his/her crime. For example, on hearing a lot of commotion in
As you sow, so shall you reap.