Correspondingly, the harassment caused by others has no power to send us to a hellish existence whereas anger shown by us, at that time, can make us a candidate for hell. The Minister crushed the five hundred disciples in a mechanical oil mill but he could not cause spiritual degeneration in even one of them because none of them reacted angrily. They showed unprecedented equanimity. Khandhaksoori who also was crushed showed intense displeasure, due to which he got a catastrophic existence.
When questioned by Shrenik Maharaja about Prasannachandra Rajarshi’s next existence, the omniscient Lord Mahavir replies, "He will go to the seventh hell.” Who is responsible for sending Rajarshi to the seventh hell? Is it the betrayal by the ministers or is it the mental fierce battle waged by Rajarshi, due to his anger, to believe the ministers to be evil? On being questioned a second time, the Lord answers, “Sarvartha Siddha Vimana; vagi devni dundubhi tyan, Rishi pamya keval jnana”. In a fraction of a moment, after the Lord replied, 'devdundubhi' started playing, heralding manifestation of omniscience in Rajarshi. What was the reason behind the change in his status where Sarvartha Siddha Vimana and keval jnana were attained? Was it because the ministers' behaviour improved or was it because he ceased to think
Rajarshi = a sage who previously belonged to a royal family or a warrior class Sarvartha Siddha Vimana = the highest and the most sublime of the five highest empyrean heavens, which is the abode of the ‘fully accomplished' who have achieved all goals Dev-dundubhi = it is a musical instrument which is one of the eight attending splendours of an omniscient