The five deterrents to salvation and causes for thekarmic influx and bondage are9
i. Perverted views
ii. Disinterest in observing vows
iii. Laziness
iv. Passions
v. Activities of mind/body and speech (yoga).
Food has direct impact on all these causes. It is well known and proved by science that all types of food have good as well as bad effects depending to an extent on their nature, the method they are prepared for eating, mixing of different types of foods and the quantity of their intake. Ayurveda also talks of three broad categories of food namely rājasika (rich or heavy to digest), tāmasika (toxic causing laziness and loss of discriminating knowledge) and sātvika (pure food which does not produce perverted views in the consumer's mind and is fit for consumption to lead a healthy and peaceful life). Jain diet emphasizes the last type. Rājasika food is said to enhance laziness and disinterest in vows while tāmasika food is said to enhance passions and perverted views. Sātvika food contains all the four essential constituents of food namely food grains, edibles and water, oil, air and solar energy in essential quantities and prepared properly. In today's terminology such types of food can be compared to balanced food having carbohydrates, proteins, salt, oil, water, air, minerals and vitamins. Similarly those food items which are said to be aphrodisiac in effect or causes loss of discriminating intellect or cause enhancement of violent nature are to be avoided.
STUDY NOTES version 5.0
Preparation and preservation of food:
The manner of preparing the food for consumption, and the quality and edibility (i.e. shelf life in modern parlance and before the food articles become stale or infested with germs and other bacteria) are very important considerations for Jains. This is also true today as the mass producers of readymade foods and food articles (FMCC MNCs) go a long way in enhancing the shelf life of food items by adding preservatives and packing in inert containers all products and indicate shelf life of the product. A typical list of food items and their shelf life as per Jain texts is given in section 6.0 later.
9 Puruşarthasidhyupaya, Amṛtacandra Sūri, V.168-170, Tattvärtha-sutra, VIII.1 mithyādarśanavirati-pramāda kaṣāya -yogā bamdhahetvaḥ/
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