I. The famous song sung in praise of Gandhi says:
1.6 Case study: Mahatma Gandhi's application of Ahimsa for grand social uplift Mahatma Gandhi is considered as the most successful proponent of Ahimsa in our times. He used the social Ahimsa in his own life as well as in the Indian society to gain freedom to India from the all power British Empire. The people who affected his thinking most were his family and the environment where he was born and brought up (primarily Jains and Vaiṣṇavas), mother Smt. Putli Bai, religious teacher visiting their home regularly Bechar Das and Spiritual guide Śrīmad Rājcanda ji who were all Jains. An analysis of his life shows him practicing the non violent of conduct of Jains (see section 5.0) fully. Examples of his practicing Ahimsa are given below:
'Dedi hame äzädi bina khadga bina dhalal Sābaramati ke santa tūne kara diyā kamāla||'24
getting angry, we need to quickly recognize the emotion and take a detour. If we realize it and become aware of it, then most probably we will be able to control it.
i.e. he gave us the independence from the British without the use of sword or the shield. Translated it implies winning the enemy to accept your view without the use of violence.
His prayer:
Raghupati raghava rājārāma, patita pāvana Sitaramal Īsvara Allāha tere nama, sabako sanmati de Bhagavanall...
One of the most popular films on school education called Jagriti produced by Filmistan in early 1950s.
Here Lord Rama is worshipped because he is the saviour of the down trodden. Then Gandhi prays to bestow wisdom (discrimination between Good to practice and Evil to avoid). Here education is generally essential to move upwards for acquiring wisdom. Gandhi himself did all the menial jobs himself, lived like them (the untouchables) and in their habitat and always talked of making these masses self reliant.
STUDY NOTES version 5.0
His most popular prayer: Vaisnava jana te tene kahiye re, je pira parāī jāne re. It implied treating all human beings as equal and the one is compassionate i.e. realizes the pains of others and tries to remove them is the true Vaiṣṇavite.
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