Example of violent activities are gesturing, belittling/bullying, causing anxiety/scare, torturing, hitting, causing pain, use foul language, showing supremacy / assertiveness, feeling low/incompetent or discriminated, unfriendly attitude, causing isolation, ignore, not respecting differences (race, color, gender, status etc), lack of interest in studies. An in depth analysis of the environment in the school is required so that such activities prevalent as causes leading to violence and other undesirable acts are established and cured.
1.5 Steps to minimize occurrence of violent (hirsaka) activities The religion as per Jains is described as (from conduct viewpoint):
That which is non violence, self restraint and austerity is dharma (spiritual values). It is by virtue of these spiritual values that supreme spiritual beneficence results. To him whose mind is (absorbed) in spiritual values, even gods pay homage 20
We have discussed Ahiṁsā to a large extent already. Here self restraint implies controlling the wandering nature of our mind towards the sensual pleasures so that we can focus on achieving our objective, be it spiritual or worldly like excelling in our overall personality development while we are in the school as teachers or students. By austerities are implied strenuous exertions (sādhanā) to achieve our spiritual or worldly objectives.
David Goleman talks of compassion and self restraint as two moral instances.21
To minimize the occurrence of toxic emotions leading to violence, we have to analyze this aspect from two aspects,
i. Daily activities which minimize the likely occurrence of violent thoughts /actions in us
ii. When such thoughts /actions do not occur, methods to control them?
a. For the first step, Jains talk of the regime of code of conduct comprising: b. Minimize intake of violent food; c. Six essential duties (āvaśyakas)
20 Dhammo mangalamukkitthaṁ ahiṁsā samjamo tavo/ Devā vi tar namaṁsanti jassa dhamme sayā manol Daśavaikālika Sūtra, 1.1, Samana Suttar, verse 82 Austerities are of twelve types focussing on our control of quantity, type and quality, humility, repentance, self study, meditation etc. 21 Emotional Intelligence, Page xiii: And if there are any two moral instances that our times call for, they are precisely self-restraint and compassion.
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