which gets accumulated at one place, becomes available to be consumed by others as well. In other words it works thereby eliminating economic exploitation also.
One of the duties of Human Rights Commission is also to stop sexual exploitation. Providing protection and opportunities of growth to women is also a duty of the Human Rights commission. Whereas women were an object of worship in ancient India, today even protecting her form exploitation has become questionable. The government is taking spe steps in this direction. Eliminating social evils like dowry, rape sexual exploitation and domestic violence prostitution are the objectives of Human Rights commission. Jain philosophy and religion had, since beginning, accorded respect and regards to women; here the women had always been worshipped as the mother of tīrthamkaras.
Besides this, Jainācāryas have also established the vow of celibacy to protect the women from sexual and other forms of exploitation. Prohibiting prostitution and being content with one's married wife are the hallmarks of the vow of celibacy. If a married man considers other women as his sister/daughter/mother, then the women can be safe and free of exploitation will become a matter of past and the entire society can enjoy a free and holy environment. Hence the vow of celibacy as enunciated in Jain religious texts is being used by Human Rights Commission to protect the women in society.
Education of women is also an important aspect of Human Rights. All efforts are being made to enable woman move forward in all activities of life. Jain literature abounds with strong sermons and stories of promoting education of women. A review of Jain texts, like Adipurāņa, Uttarapurāņa, Harivarśapurāņa etc. reveal that the contemporary women were not only expert in cooking, painting or music etc but they were also experts in medicine, archery etc. Queen Kaikeyi was adept in the art of warfare as she accompanied her husband Raja Dasaratha to the battlefield. Hence Jain literature and religion had been propagating woman's education.
Human Rights Commission has been opposing the spread of casteism and communalism. In this field also, Jain religions had contributed a lot. Jainism is neither a caste nor a
5 Śrādhyadinakrtya by Devendra, Rishabhadeva Kesharimal Jaina Shvetambara Sanstha, Ratlam 1937, pt.ii p.
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