Approaches employing quantum theory (which is, at present, the most fundamental theory of matter) to understand consciousness have attracted attention, since quantum events introduce an element of uncertainty or randomness, which is fundamental rather than merely due to ignorance or missing information. The uncertainty of quantum events could provide room for "free will" or the possibility of conscious mental acts influencing brain/behavior. The concepts of complementarity and entanglement are additional features of quantum theory relevant to discussions about consciousness.
Leśyā, meaning light or radiation, is considered to link the spiritual with the material domains; hence studies on the scientific correlates of leśyā should be initiated. Quantum physics demonstrates the duality of light manifesting as particles or wave packets. Interpreting interactions of leśyā with consciousness and the physical body using concepts and techniques of quantum physics could be very challenging and useful. Some promising research directions are mentioned in the following.
4.1. Leśyā and Emission of Bio-photons Spontaneous emission of very low intensity of coherent light in the wavelength range of 200900 nm by living organisms (termed ultra-weak photon emission (UPE) or bio-photon emission, measured by single photon counting equipment (though invisible to naked eye due to weak intensity) has been shown to be a universal characteristic of the living systems (Popp, FA et al., 1992). Bio-photon emission from the human body is less than 100 photons of visual light/cm2 of human body surface (Van Wijk R, Van Wijk EP, 2004). The emission spectrum differs from that of black-body radiation; it is not a line spectrum but rather flat over the frequency range.
The origin and functions of bio-photons are presently unknown; however, the bio-photon radiation is emitted from an almost coherent field and demonstrates some very unusual properties, which constitute interesting topics for studies in quantum electrodynamics. Data showing the non-thermal nature and quantum coherence of the bio-photon radiation have been presented. A remarkable feature of many bio-photon signals is the non-decaying shape of the signal i.e. the average intensity remains constant for a long time, implying that a biophoton signal in a pure quantum state is long lived. According to quantum optics, measurements of the complex amplitude of the light field can deliver different values within the region of quantum uncertainty region. The constant average intensity is also a
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