In reference to equality, we can say that extension of self is Ahiṁsā and hence true equanimity. Practicing equanimity towards all living beings is Ahiṁsā. Charter of UNO mentions brotherhood, co-operation and equality. In my prayer (Merii Bhāvanā) we only wish for friendship and co-operation
maitri bhāva jagat men merā saba jīvon se nitya rahe dīna dukhījīvon para mere ora se Karunā srota bahe bair pāpa abhiman chod jag, nitya naye maṁgal gāve
sukhi rehem sab jīva jagat ke duşkar duskrt ho jāve
This reflection spreads the doctrine of friendship, compassion, co-operation, happiness and humanism.
Today the gap between the rich and poor, gender biases, discriminations due to caste, colour, race, language, religion, community, owner and worker, nationality, provincialisms etc are breeders and acts of encouraging hiṁsā. Doctrine of Ahiṁsā has solutions for such discriminations. Jain philosophy talks of no discrimination based on the birth in different castes, communities etc. All living beings are known by their acts and not by their birth. But no discrimination can be based on the individual's appearances. Equal opportunity and freedom in the selection of the means of livelihood provided in the charter prohibits discrimination due to high-low status or small or big. One who praises himself and degrades others is definitely on way to hell. Entire ethics of Jainism are based on duties associated with human rights and welfare. Anyone who prays for and wishes for the welfare of others in the world can attain the highest status of tirthařkara. Doctrine of attaining tirthaskara status teaches us that the person who wishes to serve the entire humanity ultimately becomes the lord of the entire world.43 "He who serves along with his wishes and willingness to serve for the welfare of others, becomes the lord and not the slave and hence worthy of being worshipped by all'. Therefore the one who protects human rights, serves others becomes the lord of the world. In Jainism contemplations on the ways and means to remove the pains of self and others is called Apāya mode of meditation.44
43 Solah Karan Bhāvanā
44 Ibid
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