स्वाध्याय परमं तपः
Hence the foundation of Jain philosophy and religion is the welfare of all living beings. Elimination of Pain and acquisition of happiness by all is the objective of Jainism. The two guiding principles of Jainism are the independence and equality of all beings.27
According to Pandit Aśā Dhar, the natural and tendency and hence the religion of the soul is right faith, right knowledge and right conduct28 Acarya Kunda Kunda called conduct as religion. Absence of tendencies like Anger, pride, deceit, greed, attachment, aversion and delusion is religion. Ahimsa (i.e. feeling of compassion) is the religion. 'Ahimsa parmo dharma' i.e. ahimsā is the supreme religion. Supreme forgiveness-absence f pride-absence of deceit-speaking the truth-cleanliness-self restraint penance-giving up-feeling of nonpossessiveness and celibacy are the all parts of conduct and limbs of religion. All these are the characteristics of humanism. Not to give pain to any one, not to speak a lie or harsh words, to preach sweet and welfare oriented words, not to steal, minimize the tendencies of attachment and aversion, have a feeling of compassion, forgiveness, simplicity, tolerance, co-operation, cleanliness, charity, non accumulation etc are all characteristics of being humane and are essential for welfare of all human beings.
Social evils as untouchables; discrimination based on colour of the skin, rich-poor, social groupings, animosity to certain to certain communities; alcoholism, prostitution, profiteering, evading taxes and stealing, excessive accumulation of wealth, smuggling etc are the expressions of tendencies of greed, anger, ego, aversion, deceit etc. These all result in suspiciousness amongst neighbours and families and generate animosity and harbor enmity. An individual will try to eradicate these evils only when he realizes the temporary of wealth, life, youth, body and the world.
External controls, rules and regulations, laws and discipline do not eradicate the evils from the society, rather these evils increase with the intense application of these means. But by changing the hearts of people, brain washing them with good ideas and doctrines and showing human-ness towards them, will help in increasing the will power and putting a break on the evil tendencies of the people in general. These will definitely result in social reforms
27 Bhagvan Mahāvīra aur unkā sarvodaya Tirth. Dr. Hukuam Chand Bhārill. Pg. 96.
28 Anagar Dharma verse 10.
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