implementation of human rights by them. Human rights are now being discussed and reviewed at a large number of international platforms. Western countries like USA, France and Great Britain consider themselves as the originators and supports of Human rights movement. At the international level initiative undertaken by UNO is nothing new. Various Indian philosophies and religions have talked and protected human welfare and human rights through detailed discussions on ahiṁsā.
Earlier some nations believed that power is obtained at the point of the gun. They have also changed their mentality now and accepted love, a four lettered word which means coexistence, tolerance and mutual discussions can solve most of the problems. USA and China practices this principle and found solutions to their many outstanding problems. India is also eager and involved in resolving its conflicts with its neighbor Pakistan. All these go to sow that the concept of ahiṁsā had been the basis of most of the Indian religions from beginning less times and the same is as relevant as it was thousand years ago.
Ahirsā in Jainism:
Jainism has gone into detailed discussions on ahiṁsā. Since the eternal time period of Lord Rşabh Deva, all rituals of Jain religion are based on the principle of ahimsā. Not only in religious rituals but in each and every activity of life ahiṁsā should be practiced. The foundation of Jainism is in the fact ahiṁsā. After Lord Rşabh Deva, Lord Māhavīra said 'Like earth is the basis of existence of all living beings, similarly the philosophy of all great people of the past, present and future is ahiṁsā'. The ahimsak culture has in fact made India a great nation.
Violence can never be the religion. All living beings in this universe, be they small or big, animals or humans beings, all wish to live and not die. How can anyone like the violent behaviour which you do not like? Absence of violence is ahiṁsā.
Jainism is one of the oldest religions of the world. A comparative study of the three main religions of India, namely Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism shows that Jainism maintains a unique position due to scientific vision and subtle analysis without supporting and believing
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