adveṣṭā sarvabhūtānāṁ maitrḥ karūn ava c nirmamo nirhmkārḥ samduḥkhsukhḥ kshmi santuşta satator yogi yatatanā dṛdhniscayah mayayarpitamanobuddhiryo maddhaktaḥ sa me priyah
That person who is free from aversion towards all evils, self less, loves all beings and is compassionate towards them, maintains equanimity in pains and pleasures and is always forgiving i.e. even donates or extends favours even to those who commit wrong acts towards him, and is free from disease and is always contented, has full control over mind, body and speech, has surrendered himself to the God, is in fact true ahimsak/non violent and is a favourite of the God.
samam pasyanhi sarvatra samvasthimiśvaram na hinstyātmanānam tato yāti parām gatim
Gītā 12/13-14
That person, who sees god as having equanimity towards all living beings, neither commits violence on himself (i.e. does not allow his peace of mind to be disturbed by anything) nor on anyone else attains the supreme state.
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Gītā 13/29
Ahirhsă in Purāņas/ stories literature:
Purāṇas come after Bhagavad Gītā. Ahimsā had been mentioned at different places in the Purānas literature which is as follows:
Vayu Purānas: One should practice ahimsa by activities of mind, body and speech towards all living beings. It is detailed at 8/13 in it.
Vishnu Purāṇas: Himsa/violence is the wife of immorality. It is the root of all evils. Its son is lying and daughter is immoral acts. These are the fore runners to the gates of hell i.e. they take the sinner/violent to hell.
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