and debated bio-ethical issue and in the religion-neutral field like medical science also there is no unanimity about the sanction or opposition to voluntary death.
Jainism definitely rules out any possibility of giving any sanction to euthanasia for at least two reasons:
Birth and death of a person is determined by his/her previous karmas, and hence no artificial means or deliberate attempt could be employed for either preparing or postponing the death.
No living being has right to take away the life of any other being for any reason whatsoever.
In Jaina tradition, there is a vow called Sallekhana which is always mistakenly, compared with euthanasia. Sallekhana means spiritual death and is has no connection with biomedical progress, its discussion here would be inappropriate.
STUDY NOTES version 5.0
5. Organ- Donation / Transplant
If organ donation / transplant is done at the cost of other life or exploitation of other life, Jainism does not approve it even though it is helpful to some other Jīva. In case of voluntary donating of the organ, e.g. kidney - transplant from mother to child or vice versa; Jainism should not have any problem as the donor has not taken the decision out of any external force or compulsion or helplessness.
This list can be extended as the bio-medical sciences have done magnificent progress even to the extent of cloning. But a few cases are sufficient to draw inferences about the Jaina position regarding bio-ethical issues.
Jainism would consider all these issues from purely religious perspectives. The evaluations of any of the above problems will be done in the measurement of sin and merit, following or transgressing the vows, especially the vow of non-violence and some such religious norm. But while maintaining the noble ethical and spiritual values, the social aspect of these issues has been ignored and therefore, Jaina position about bio-ethical issues appears to be highly spiritual and less social.
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