punishments according to and not birth/gender etc. Work Culture 'Srama to be promoted
through reward and punishment system etc. 14
✓ Exercise caution/conservation of resources in all your dealings
STUDY NOTES version 5.0
Forgiveness implies asking for and seeking forgivenessfor the unjust done to or by others. Similarly rehabilitating the redundant employees as per the 5th characteristic of right belief (samyag darśana) is called Sthitikarana or rehabilitating the fallen to their old
Anekanta: Pluralism or multiplicity of viewpoints.
In the corporate world, we can translate this doctrine as concern for employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, government, society and optimizing the total rather than just the maximize the profit only. It is well known as that opposites (competitors) coexist (if not the government ensures no monopoly exists through legal framework); attimes corporations cooperate with their competitors as cartels/guilds to gain favours from governments/customers etc and tolerate the business practices of the competition. Another view in corporate world can be the i. Multi dimensional development i.e. spiritual physical and worldly well being; ii. Compulsory retirement for even the key executives who are performing well; iii Merging own corporate identity into other corporation for the sake of employees/shareholders/customers and very survival etc; iv. Internationalization of operations and even shifting headquarters elsewhere etc.
Application of Aparigraha or non possession applications:
Greed is the most common form of organizational decay where either the owner or managers or employees become greedy for their individual gains only. So limiting our wants and sharing the surplus with all stakeholders should form the basis of management. This can be translated in fair distribution of dividends to shareholders, taxes to government, salary and performance related payments to employees, investing (or ploughing back to keep the organization alive through new research, equipment, training etc) and lower prices to customer and better deals to the suppliers.
14 Adipurāna by Jinasena Publishede by Bhartiya Jnanapith, New Delhi, 1st Tirthamkara Adinatha established the society as: Essentiality of Education, training and skill development to both men and women; Equal status and opportunity for growth to all. Institutionalized family and society by grouping (not by birth) according to capabilities and interest as physically brave for defence works (kṣatriyas), manual workers (sudra) and traders (Vaiśya).
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