Relevance of Sallekhanā in Today's Society and Euthanasia
Dr. D. S. Baya
1.0 Introduction The literature in all languages, the scriptures of all religions and preachers of all faiths have vexed themselves eloquent to emphasize the inevitability of death but, at the same time they have also said that the death is one of the most fearsome, painful, sorrowful, miserable and frightening happening. The Uttarādhyayanasūtra says that birth, death, decay and disease are sorrows; the mundane existence itself is full of sorrow, where the living beings feel miserable. In the same vein Adi Saṁkarācārya says that repeated births and deaths and lying in the wombs of mothers are very painful.2
It has, therefore, been the endeavor of all the great and noble saints and prophets down the ages to find a way to free the living beings in general and the humanity in particular from this pain, sorrow and misery. Sallekhanā is one of such means to meet death squarely without fear or misery.
Presentation and Discussion The presentation and discussion are proposed to centre on the following points:
1. Inevitability of death and the fear of death. 2. Can fear and misery associated with death be overcome? If yes, how? 3. The concept and practice of Sallekhanā. 4. Sallekhanā as 'Voluntary Peaceful Death' or the deathsans fear and misery. 5. Relevance of Sallekhana in today's society. 6. Euthanasia: comparison with Sallekhanā.
1.1 Inevitability and Fear of Death That the Death is inevitable needs no proof. We all see people dying around us all the time. All that are born have to die, sooner or later. Bhagvadgitā says, "One who takes birth must die some day and one who dies must be reborn somewhere." However, it is not the death but the fear of death that is the point of discussion here. Though death is so natural that it
Uttaradhyayanasūtra, 19/16 Mohamudgarastotra, Adi Samkarācārya, 21 Srimadbhagvadgitā, 2/27
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