Pabhāvanā (prabhāvanā): glorification of faith:17 One should try to propagate the truth to others also by means of charity, austerity, devotion, profound learning, by such means as are suited to the time and place.
It may be observed here that the first five characteristics pertain to the individual life of the aspirant whereas the last three pertain to the social aspect of religion.
A question is raised on the numerical discrepancy between these eight limbs and five aticāras in respect of faith/belief. Expanding the connoting of the last two aticāras namely parapāsamdapasamsā and parapāsamdasamthava to cover the opposite of the last five limbs eliminates the discrepancy.
Kundakunda in his Samayasāra has also explained the above eight characteristics from a different point of view. 18
3.0 The process of Samyagdarśana There is always a tendency in the soul to run away from the circle of worldly existence. But this centrifugal tendency is thwarted by a centripetal force that keeps the soul tracing the circumference of the world process. The centripetal force consists in the passion of attraction (rāga) and repulsion (dvesa) or rather root like perverted attitude (mithyātva) towards truth. The centrifugal tendency is the soul's inherent capacity for emancipation, that is, the part of characteristics potency of the soul, which still remains unhindered or unobscured. It is this centrifugal tendency that ultimately leads the soul to the right path, to the virtuous ones only, because different individuals have different degrees of power manifested in them.
The soul, during the course of its eternal wanderings in various forms of existence, sometimes is possessed of an indistinct vision of its goal and feels an impulse from within to realize it. This impulse is the work of eternal centrifugal tendency. The impulse is a kind of manifestation of energy, technically known as yathāpravrtta-Karaņa. It is not always affective and so does not always invariably lead to spiritual advancement. But sometimes it so strong and irresistible that it goads the soul to come to grip with the centripetal force and to weaken it to an appreciable extent in the struggle that ensues. Here the soul is face to face with what
17 Ibid, Leaf 567, Yogaśāstra, Hemacandra, 2.16 Vitti 18 Samayasara 227
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