8.0 Summary / Conclusion Annexe I shows the seven verities and the two states of bondage i.e. merit and demerit. If we see closely at the chart, we find that the seven verities relate to jīva and pudgala (primarily karma) as the constituents of cosmos and the remaining five verities are the states of their interaction and the resultant jīva. The next two states i.e. influx and bondage is the indicator of saṁsāra or the world, as we know it or the transmigratory state of the jīva. The next two verities i.e. stoppage of influx and dissociation are the spiritual state of jīva where jīva tries to free itself of the karmic bondage and attain the state of pure soul called mokşa, the last verity. Merit and demerit are the results of the interactions of the jīva and karma as auspicious (merit) and inauspicious (demerit).
Annexe 1
Seven Tattvas/Verities/ Nine padārthas / entities
Influx Asrava
Bondage Bandha
Liberation Mokşa
Merit Punya
Demerit Pāpa
Constituents of universe.
jīva and
pudgala active, others supportive
Causes delusion, inadvertence, laziness, passions and activities. Pravrtti lengagement.
Moral ethics
Spirituality, Disengagement/Detachment, Nivrtti, Major vows, guptis,
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STUDY NOTES version 5.0