The former is concerned with thought activities and the later with actual influx of matter particles. The causes of the former i.e. psychic influx are activities of five senses like attachment, e.g. flow of water into the boat through holes in its body when the boat is actually floating over water. Matter influx is the actual karmic particles, which fills our environment. Psychic influx is further classified in five categories namely delusion (mithyātva), lack of self-control (avirati), inadvertence (pramāda), passion (kasāya) and activities performed by mind, body and speech (Yoga).
3.3 Influx varies from person to person According to Umāsvāmi, there are two kinds of influx namely that of persons tainted with passions which extends transmigration and the other of persons who are free from passions which prevents or shortens it or is not affected by it.
Living beings can have two types of dispositions, namely those actuated by passions (called sakaṣāya) and those who are free from passions (called akaṣāya). Passions are anger, deceit, pride and greed. These passions are called kaşāya in Jain texts. Sāmparāya is saṁsāra (transmigration). Karma which leads to saṁsāra is called Sāmparāyika. Tryā means yoga or movement / vibrations. Karmas caused by vibrations are called Tryāpatha. The influx of the former karma operates in the case of persons of perverted faith actuated by passions while the influx of later karma takes place in the case of ascetics who are free from passions.
4. Bandha (Bondage) The principle of bondage is an important spiritual concept of Jainism. It is the bondage which leads one to ever increasing involvement in transmigration. Bondage is caused by influx of karmic particles. Influx brings bondage10. An individual living being that is actuated by passions attracts particles of matter filling the environment, which are fit to turn into karma. This is called bondage.
How does influx of karmas bind the soul? The process is illustrated by the example of a person who has fully smeared his body with oil and stands out in the open where wind is blowing. It is natural that particles of dust should stick to his body. Similarly when the soul is rendered weak by various kinds of passions and thought activities, it gives room for karmic
10 Sakasayatvajivah karmano yogyanpudgalanādatte sa bandhah, Tattvärtha-sútra, VIII/2
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