Similarly Pańcāstikāya explained the theory of Dharma and Adharma (medium of motion and rest) and the concept of space astikāyas from gātha 83 to 96.
Path of salvation: Right faith, right - knowledge and right conduct is the path of salvation. In the next half part of the Pańcāstikāya explains nine objects (padārthas) or entities (including seven verities) and the path of salvation. Kundakunda explaining the three jewels (Right faith, knowledge and conduct) of Jainism says, 'Belief in the real existence or tattvas is the right faith, knowledge of their real nature without doubt or hankering is right knowledge. An attitude of neutrality without desire or aversion towards the objects of the external world is right conduct. These three are found in those who know the path'. 6
Kundakunda explains these three in very deep and spiritual way. He also defines the seven verities with punya - pāpa (merit -demerit) called nine padārthās.
We can say in short that Pańcāstikāya is single text of 1st century A.D. which explains in depth, the Jaina theory of reality.
"Sammattaṁ saddahaņas bhāvānam tesimadhigamo nanam/ Cărittam sambhāvo vīşayeșu vīrudhamaaggīņamil Pańcāstikaya 2/107
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