When crawling animals or such as live on high or below, feed on his flesh and blood, he should neither kill them nor rub (the wound). (9) Though these animals destroy the body, he should not stir from his position. After the asravas have ceased, he should bear (pains) as if he rejoiced in them. (10) When the bonds fall off, then he has accomplished his life. (We shall now describe) a more exalted (method) for a well-controlled and instructed monk. (11) This other law has been proclaimed by Jñātrputra: o He should give up all motions except his own in the thrice-threefold way. (12) o He should not lie on sprouts of grass, but inspecting the bare ground he should lie on
Without any comfort and food, he should there bear pain. (13) When the sage becomes weak in his limbs, he should strive after calmness. For he is blameless, who is well fixed and immovable (in his intension to die). (14) He should move to and fro (on his ground), contract and stretch (his limbs) for the benefit of the whole body; or (he should remain quiet as if he were) lifeless. (15) He should walk about, when tired of (lying), or stand with passive limbs; when tired of standing, he should sit down. (16) Intent on such an uncommon death, he should regulate the motions of his organs. Having attained a place swarming with insects, he should search for a clean spot. (17) He should raise himself above (sinfulness), and bear all pains. (18) And this is a still more difficult method, when one lives according to it: not to stir from one's place, while checking all motions of the body. (19) This is the highest law, exalted above the preceding method: o Having examined a spot of bare ground he should remain there; stay O Brāhmana!
(20) o Having attained a place free from living beings, he should there; fix himself.
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He should thoroughly mortify his flesh, thinking: o There are no obstacles in my body. (21) o Knowing as long as he lives the dangers and troubles; the wise and restrained
(ascetic) should bear them as being instrumental to the dissolution of the body. (22)
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