• Not eating meat, honey or alcohol i.e. any type of animal based product-involving
violence. Not eating the five types of fruits containing insects.
Daily visit to the temple for paying reverence and obeisance to the Omniscient. • Not eating at night
Not getting involved in gambling Consuming water that is strained i.e. purified.
These virtues have to be kept and practiced for the entire life. Without observing these, one cannot progress on the path of spiritual development and appreciate the same.
Daily duties (called six āvaśvakas) Jain literature prescribed six essential duties of householders to be performed daily. Devapūjā causes refinement or reaffirmation of the right belief in the principal of non violence, science of detachment and capabilities of the self (ātmā or jīva). Svādhyāya causes enhancement of the right knowledge about Jain principals. The other four essential duties when performed causes refinement in the right conduct of the practitioner. The six essentials are:
i. Devapūjā or worshiping the omniscient lords. ii. Gurupāsanā or paying obeisance to the holy – teachers. iii. Svādhyāya or self study of spiritual development literature iv. Samyama or self control v. Tapa or observing austerities vi. Dāna or performing charitable activities.
Śvetāmbara Jains however follow the same essential for householders and śramaņas namely:
i. Sāmāyika or practice of equanimity; ii. Caturvinsatistava or praise twenty four Tirthamkars; iii. Vandanā or veneration of the mendicant teachers; iv. Pratikramaņa or expiation for transgression; v. kāyotsarga, abandonment of the body / relaxation vi. Pratyākhyāna, renunciation of certain foods etc.
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