circumscribed, he will thereby save himself from committing Himsā as such outside that area. Thus by the avoidance of even the subtle sins beyond the determined limits, the Anuvrati (householder) becomes like a Mahāvrati (ascetic) in respect of the regions lying beyond those limits. 37 Besides, the Kārttikeyanupreksā tells us that by fixing the limits in all the ten directions the passion of greed is controlled. 38 This may be explained by saying that the Digvrati has automatically renounced the getting of wealth, even if it can be easily got, from the area outside the limits.39 It will not be idle to point out here that the limitation of movements in the external world tends to reduce the internal passions, thereby fulfilling the purpose for which the Digvrata is enjoined.
3.2 Nature of Deśavrata The Sarvārthasiddhi expound the nature of Deśavrata as limiting one's own movements to the region determined by certain villages and as renouncing the rest of the places.40 Vasunandi has explained it by affirming that it implies the abandonment of the habitation of those countries or places where the observance of vows is threatened or rendered difficult.41 It is very interesting to note that Śrutasāgara, the 16th century commentator of the Tattvārtha-sūtra has subscribed to the view of Vasunandi by saying that the Deśavrata consists in discarding those places which obstruct the due observance of vratas and which occasion insalubrities mind.42
3.3Nature of Anarthadandavrata Kārttikeya defines Anarthadandavrata as renouncing the commitment of such acts as is not subservient to any useful purpose.43 Being frivolous, they simply engender insalubrities mind, which results in depravity. The śrāvaka-prajñapti affirms that actions without any purpose bring about more Karmic bondage than the actions with some end in view,
37 Ratnakaranda-śrāvakācāra of Samantabhadra, 155, (Vir Seva Mandira, Delhi). 70; Purusārthasidhyupāya of Amrtacandra, 138, (Rajachandra Ashrama, Agas)., Sarvärthasiddhi, VII. 21. 38 Karttikeyanupreksā, 341 39 Sarvārthasiddhi, VII. 40 Sarvärthasiddhi, VII. 41 Vasunandi- śravakācāra, 215. 42 Tattvārthavrtti of Srutasagarasri, VII. 21 43 Kärttikeyanupreksā, 343
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