• स्वाध्याय तपः •
5.0 The Ascetic Order: The Role of Acārya
Though asceticism in its pure form is an individual's journey, yet the Jaina tradition avoids absolutism in any fields. Therefore, the Jaina monks have a community of their own where they help each other for spiritual development. Of course, monks of a very high order have been allowed to remain aloof but ordinarily a monk is expected to be a member of Sangha of which a Acarya as its head. The Acarya organizes and regulates all spiritual activities of the Sangha. He has the following duties:
Süträrthasthirikarana - Decide the meaning of the scriptures
Vinaya- Should be humble to all
Gurupūjā- Should be reverential to those who are senior to him in spiritual development Saikṣābahumāna - Should show respect for the aspirants of spirituality
Danapatisraddhavṛddhi-Encourage the giver to give alms
Buddhibalavardhana - Enhance the intellect and capacity of his students
Besides, the Acarya should also keep in mind the following things:
1. He should be careful in giving any order
2. He should see that the junior monks behave properly towards senior monks
3. He should see that the order of reading the scriptures is not violated by the monks
4. He should provide proper facilities for those monks who are either diseased or engaged
in penance for studies
5. He should do everything in consultation with other monks
6. He should see that every monk gets the equipment that he requires
7. He should also take care of the equipments of monks
5.1 Rules of Behavior towards Fellow Monks
In an Order, it is necessary that rule of conduct which prescribe behavior amongst the member of the Order are followed. For the sake of chastity, monks and nuns are not allowed to touch each other.
The society of monks is guided by what is called Sambhoga. The rules of Sambhoga are twelve in number:
1. Upadhisambhoga - The possessions of a monk are called Upadhi. The monks should exchange these Upadhis with other monks with care.
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STUDY NOTES version 5.0