Guņasthāna - Stages of Spiritual Development Jaina Mysticism and the Mystic Way
Dr. K. C. Sogani Introduction The equivalent expressions in Jainism for the word 'mysticism' are: śüddhopayoga, Arhat 2 and Siddha state3, Pandita-pandita-marana4, Paramātman-hoods Svasamaya 6, Panditapandita-marana?, Sāmarthya-yoga, Ahimsā, jñānacetanā, 10 Sayambhū,11, Samatva?, etc. All these expressions convey identical meaning of realizing the transcendental self. The traditional definition of Jaina mysticism may be stated thus: Mysticism consists in the attainment of Arhathood or Siddha hood through the medium of Samyagdarśana (spiritual awakening), Samyagjñāna (value knowledge), and Samyagcăritra (ethico-spiritual conduct) after dispelling Mithyādarśana (spiritual perversion), Mithyājñāna (perverted value knowledge), and Mithyācāritra (perverted conduct)13. Kundakunda (1st century AD) departs from this terminology when he says: 'Mysticism consists in realizing the Paramātman (transcendental self) through the Antarātman (internal self) after renouncing the Bahirātman (external self) 14. Haribhadra (7th cent A. D.) also employs a different terminology when he announces: 'Mysticism consists in arriving at the state of Vrttisamkşaya (cessation of mental states) through the stages of Samyagdrsti and Căritrī after abandoning the stage of Apunarbandhaka 15 (Mithyādrsti in transition) 16. At another place he says, 'Mysticism consists in attaining to Parā-drsti (transcendental insight) through Sthira (steady spiritual
Pravacanasāra of Kundakunda, I. 14. (Rajachandra Ashram, Agas) 2 Dravyasangraha, 50, 51 (Jaina Vidya Sansthana, Shri Mahavirji) 3 Bhagavati-ārādhana, 2144 (Prakash Chand Sheelchanda Jain, Chandani Chowk, Delhi) * Ibid. 27 s Moksa-pähuda of Kundakunda, 5 (Patni Digambara Jaina Granthamala, Marotha, under the title "Asta-pähuda) 6 Pravacanasāra, II. 2.
Yogadrstisamuccaya of Haribhadra, 178 (L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad) 8 Ibid. 8
Puruşārthasidhyupāya of Amrtacandra, 44, (Rajachandra Ashram, Agas) 10 Pañcāstikāya of Kundakunda, 38-39, (Rajacandra Ashrama, Agasa) 11 Pravacanasära l. 16 12 Jānārava of Subhacandra, XXIV, 3 (Rajacandra Ashrama, Agas) 13 Rājavārtika of Akalanka,, I. 1/38 (Bharatiya Jnanapeetha, New Delhi). 14 Moksapāhuda, 4,7 15 Yogaśataka of Haribhadra, Hindi edition, P. 111 (Gujarata Vidyasabha, Ahmedabad) 16 Yogabindu of Haribhadra, 31, 252, 366 (L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad)
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