His message said loud and clear: "Thinking is everything. Every thought has karmic consequences." Perhaps he knew that most human minds are driven by Kashäyäs and watching and recognizing them would be an excellent first step towards winning them over.
Concluding Thoughts The Jain religion is one of very few religions that have analyzed the root cause of human suffering and offered an effective cure for mankind. It views the problems at the macro level as a reflection of what is happening at the micro level inside most of us.
That is the rationale behind its focus on the inner spiritual transformation of each and every sentient being-paving the way for happiness for all now and eventual liberation from the cycle of death and birth. This approach indeed holds the key to change the whole world. Unfortunately, the ancient Jain philosophy has remained unknown to date to the majority of people on the face of the earth.
When we read or watch the news about the daily events in the news media, we can observe that most of them are occurring because of the rampant use of toxic emotions by people. Driven by these emotions, the world in more recent times has turned upside down/inside out.
It is bogged down in violence, stealing, greed, hatred, sex, religious fighting and terror. Hundreds of people are getting killed every single day. Millions of people do not get even a single good meal to eat in a day.
In this kind of environment, JAINISM offers a practical and ethical philosophy and tools for living a passion free, restrained, tolerant life, full of love and compassion. A lifestyle marked by the constant awareness of the destructive role played by the toxic emotions and their control in our thoughts and behavior will help us to be more compassionate, forgiving, humble and peaceful in living with fellow humans.
This could create peace, friendship and harmony throughout the world. The need of the hour is for us to understand and practice this philosophy with an open mind. Perhaps President Obama recognized this point when, in the course of presenting his official remarks on Diwali on October 14, 2009, he offered the following reflection on Jainism: "In Jainism, [Diwali] celebrates the attainment of Nirvana by Lord Mahavira, one of a long line of spiritual leaders
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