ध्याय परम
and applies each word appropriately to a specific object according to the etymological meaning.
3.7. Evarhbhūta-naya15
Evambhūta-naya is a special application of Samabhirudha-naya. It restricts a word to one particular meaning which emphasizes one particular aspect of an object suggested by its root meaning. The word gau literally means 'a moving animal.' A moving cow is gau. When it is at rest, it should not be called a gau. It should be designed by a different world according this naya. It uses a word in the strictest etymological sense.
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, it could be said that the nayas serve to categorize the different points of view from which reality could be investigated. Nayavāda also encourages investigators to assume other perspectives, including the important perspective of the other as persisting, but constantly changing, entity or reality. A substance has infinite powers, and can be known from various points of view. The nayas are partial, one-sided views, which are not adequate to the complete reality. They give only relative truths, and not absolute truths. All affirmations and negations are relative to time, place, and circumstances. This is what the doctrine of naya maintains in Jainism.
Helpful Books:
• A comparative study of the Jaina theories of Reality and knowledge-Y.J. Padmarajiah MLBD - 1963 The Central Philosophy of Jainism, by Bimal Krishna Matilal, University of Toronto Canada, Pub. L.D. Institute, Ahmedabad-9
Nyaya-dipika Primary text for Jain logic - by Itaru Warkirgo, Pub. Pratibha Prakashan - Delhi.
Jaina Philosophy. An Introduction by- Mohanlal Mehta Pub. Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Banglore - 1. Compendium of Jainism, T.K. Tukol, Pub. Karnatka University, Dharwad, Karnatka, First Edition - 1980 Jaina-tarkabhāsā, Upadhyāya Yasovijay, Sri Trolok Ratna Dharmika Pariksha Board, Pathardi
15 Ibid. p.62
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