hours. Many things from the outside world are entering within us, and there will be some results of the things that have entered. Naturally what we are accumulating in our body does some activity. If a person has taken wine, his individuality will change, his whole personality will be in a swoon. He will do that activity which is possible in a swoon. Whatever we eat will positively produce results. Its results will continue to come.
The renowned musician of India, Pandit Omkar Nath had gone to Italy, where he was invited to a dinner by Mussolini, who was then in power there. When they were having their dinner Mussolini asked Omkar Nath if it was true that when Krishna played his flute people almost went mad and flocked around him. He found it hard to believe that even deer came out to listen to the music and the peacocks danced.
Pandit Omkar Nath replied, I am not Krishna so I cannot play upon the flute, but I know a little about the elements of music, so I shall show this to you by an experiment. Mussolini said, it would do. But there were no musical instruments in the dining hall. Only spoons and forks were there. Omkar Nath took a spoon and a fork and began to play on china vessels. Mussolini has written in his autobiography that he became unconscious in a few moments. My head began to droop often and fall on the table, and he continued to play so vehemently that my head began to rise and fall to the rhythm. My head began to bleed and cried out for the music to stop. I was unable to stop my head making rhythmical movements. Then that musician stopped playing. Mussolini declared that he had no idea that music would produce such an effect within him that he could not stop his head movements. He has said in his autobiography, 'My body was out of my control, I could not control my head, and I felt I would die now. The greater the effort on my part, the greater was the dashing of my head on the table.' Omkar Nath said it was nothing. It is not proper for me to give any opinion on Krishna, but if this is possible, that also is possible.
Islam banned music, not because it necessarily pushes the sex energy downward, but because 99 per cent of the types of music prevalent then was such that it took sex energy downward. There is hardly one per cent of music saved in this world which can take the sex energy upwards. Even that one per cent is being lost, and there does not seem a way to save it. The dancing of the sufi saints is like that. It sends the on-lookers into meditation. Gurdjieff organized a company of sufi saints, experts in Mendicant dance, and wandered all over Europe and America with that company and asked people simply to see the dance and not to do anything. It was a band of thirty persons. They used to dance before a crowd which used to go into meditation on simply seeing their movements. The movements used to enter their hearts and corresponding movements were produced within their bodies. Whatever was seen outside produced corresponding shapes within and they begin to roll all over. The rhythm - the gait and the sound - which the dancing saints create, becomes the rhythm, gait and sound of the onlookers slowly and slowly. A certain dance begins within and a transformation in their energy takes place.
The objects we see with the eyes, the sound we hear with the ears, the things we taste with the mouth, the smell we take with the nose, are all interrelated. We had hung bells in temples. Every bell has no special meaning. Some special bells can be of use. The Tibetans have a special kind of bell, which, some of you might have seen. It is not like a hanging bell. It is like a vessel. And a short round stick is to be turned round and round in it and then to be struck to produce a sound. It is like a bucket which is struck with a short round stick. After the stroke is made with the stick on the bell, a peculiar sound is produced. A humming sound is heard - 'Om Mani Padme Hoo'.
The Perennial Path: The Art of Living